/* sageTracking.js written by Matt Pressnall 04/10/2004 What does it do? Provides real-time stat tracking for stories that have the appropriate JS file included How do I use it? Put right before the close body tag: <!-- start: sage megtrics js for real time stats on stories --> <script src="/js/standardFunctionality/STSpecific/sageTracking.js"></script> <noscript><img src="//st.sageanalyst.net/NS?ci=718&di=d001&pg=&ai="></noscript> <!-- end: sage megtrics js for real time stats on stories --> */ var st_pg=""; var st_ai=""; var st_v=1.0; var st_ci="718"; var st_di="d001"; var st_dd="st.sageanalyst.net"; var st_tai="v:1.2.3"; document.write('