/* PopoffWindow(windowName,windowWidth,windowHeight,URL,shouldResize,shouldScroll) written by Matt Pressnall 10/24/03 What does it do? Pops off (or up) a window. If the window has been called and resides in the background and someone calls it again, it brings the window to the forefront (which most popup code doesn't do). How do I use it? (call to JS file needs to be on a page only once) <script src="/js/standardFunctionality/PopoffWindow.js"></script> <a href="javascript:PopoffWindow('test',300,300,'http://www.pressnall.com','no','no')">text</a> Parameters: windowName - the name of the window. Alphabetic characters only! windowWidth windowHeight URL shouldResize - yes|no shouldScroll - yes|no */ function PopoffWindow(windowName,windowWidth,windowHeight,URL,shouldResize,shouldScroll) { var availableWidth = screen.availWidth; var availableHeight = screen.availHeight; var windowLeft = (availableWidth - windowWidth) / 2; var windowTop = ((availableHeight - windowHeight) / 2) - 16; newWindow = window.open(URL,windowName,"width=" + windowWidth + ",height=" + windowHeight + ",left=" + windowLeft + ",top=" + windowTop + ",location=no,resizable=" + shouldResize + ",scrollbars=" + shouldScroll + ",toolbar=no"); newWindow.focus(); }